
Past Life Regression Therapy

You are reading this article on Past Life Regression Therapy for a reason.  You have been searching for the answers.  You are curious.  You want to heal your physical and emotional pain.  You feel that there is more to life.  You have been asking yourself what is your life purpose is.  You are seeking answers to all the questions you have in life.  Why me? What's my life purposes?  Why is this happening to me?  How do I resolve this issue for good? You want to know what you should be doing to feel happy and contented. You are seeking to know yourself better by healing your past for you to live a high quality life.

There is no co-incidences in this world.  Co-incidences are indeed co-operative occurrences of incidents lined up for your, by you with the universe.

We are born here on earth and we come here with a physical body, mind and spirit.  Our mind stores all the past, current and future memories in our memory cells and dna. Our mind stores many events, emotions and feelings about us in our current, past and future lives.

Many famous philosophers, scientists, psychiatrists, doctors and researchers have shared their findings and experiences on past lives and reincarnation.  Famous personalities like Carl Jung, Rumi, Edgar Cayce, Brian Weiss, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and many more have shared their learnings, works and experiences on past lives.

Our soul has lived many lives before this. And our mind and cell memories in our bodies are storing all these memories, emotions and feelings.  And some of our current life events, feelings, emotions, places or people whom we met may have triggered some of the behaviours, feelings and emotions within us.

Re-experience the relevant past life events help us facilitate change and healings to our current issues or pain, when we are able to let go of the negative emotions or feelings associated to it.  The goal of past life regression is to help us bring about the understanding and wisdom of the issues pain.

The Healing Journey

The healing journey through past life regression has helped many to heal, discover past skills, knowledge, wisdom, and get to know ourselves better on our personality, behaviours, habits, beliefs and perceptions.

Who Should Consider Past Life Regression For Healing?

If you are reading this post, you must have been seeking for your healing journey.  It may have all started as a curiosity or your journey to seek your true self and happiness has one way or another brought you here.  And if you are experiencing at least any one of the below and has been wondering how you could get out of your condition or situation, it is time for you to make an appointment with us and discover what is in store for you with this past life regression therapy sessions.

How Many Sessions Do I Need for Healing?

Many of you have been experiencing the current issue for a long time and has been searching for help from one place to another.  In fact, you may have been facing these negative emotions, feelings or pain for a long time.

Depending on your intention for the session, each session usually takes about 1.5 to 2 hours.  The regression will bring you to the significant events and time where it all started, it may include events and time from current life or one or few past lifes that are related to your intention or core issue.  The number of sessions will depend on how many past lifes or events that you need to heal and negative emotions released and let go.

The number may vary from just one session to 6 or more sessions, depending on your intentions and associations to the past lifes and/or events.

Past life regression healing can take place for the following issues.

Relationship and Soul Mates:

  • Are you experiencing repeated issues with your parents, spouse, siblings, children and friends?
  • Are you experiencing negative relationship with the same types of partners, one after another?
  • Are you having difficulties in finding a suitable life partner?
  • Are you having continuous difficulties in your marriage or relationship?

Career & Talents:

  • Are you experiencing difficulties and blocks in your jobs or business?
  • Are you feeling low self esteem and low confidence level continuously?
  • Are you feeling stuck and have difficulty establishing and using your talent for work or business?
  • Are you feeling like a failure in every one of your endeavours?

If you are feeling any of the above, your soul may be reaching out for you to find your true self.  It is time for you to discover your soul purpose, how to use your talents and find suitable career or business that best fits your soul purpose.  Discover your talents and life purpose.

Health and Emotional Issues

  • Are you facing health issues that cannot be explained by the medical professionals?
  • Are you experiencing recurring pains and illness on certain part of body that cannot be eradicated or healed by medical professionals? ​
  • Are you feeling emotionally lost and unhappy most of the times?
  • Are you feeling unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life, feeling that you have a greater soul or life purpose?

Phobia and Traumas

  • Are you suffering from unknown phobias and traumas since young?
  • Are you experiencing intense fears of ships, ocean, heights, enclosed space, certain types of people, places or animals?
  • Are you experiencing issues in finance and abundance again and again?
  • Are you experiencing issues in earning and maintaining healthy abundance and lifestyle?
  • Are you repeatedly cheated by people close to you on finances?

Dreams, Places & People

  • Are you facing repeated dreams that you could not make sense of?
  • Are you liking or hating some places or people without any reasonable explanations?

If you are facing any of the above and want to make to discover how to overcome and heal from these negative emotions and repetitive situations and conditions, take time to understand some of the negative emotions, feeling or events that could have been rooted in one of your past lives that may be affecting you. Understanding and releasing of these negative emotions or feelings will help us move on and live a happy and high quality relationships.

Connect with us to discover how you can release these negative emotions, feelings, situations and conditions through booking your next past life regression therapy.

To listen to this article, Past Life Regression Therapy.

And if you are ready to Book your Past Life Regression Therapy for healing now, we look forward to re-connecting with you.

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