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Listen to the audio before sleep. Best listened with earpiece for optimal effect.
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Blessings and love to you!
Self Love Hypnosis Audio For You
Welcome to MindConnects, where we tap on the power of your mind to help you better the quality of your life. It is best to hear this recording using headset or earpiece for optimal effect. It is time for you to spend this time for yourself. After a long day of activities surrounding and at times focusing on other people, it is now time for you to sit, back, relax and spend some quality time for yourself. You deserve this. It is time for you to sit back and give thanks and gratitude for you.
A powerful self love hypnosis audio for you. A powerful self love affirmation to help you give thanks, affirmation and the power of love for being you.
Let's take this time to first relax. Take a deep breath in, 1-2-3, and taking a deep exhale breath out, 5-6-7-8. Breathing in all the fresh and powerful love energy in the universe, 1-2-3 and breathing out and exhaling any negative or unwanted energy from within your body, mind and soul, 5-6-7-8. Now, repeat that for 3 more times. Breathing i all the powerful love air and energy in the universe and breathing out any negative or unwanted energy from your body, mind and soul.
Give thanks, allow all the universal power of love to flow from the top of your head, slowly down your forehead, eyes, behind your ears, around your cheeks, all the way down your jaw, your chin and your neck. The universal power of love flow through your shoulder, down your hands, your chests, to your heart, down to your stomach, through your thigh, all the way down your knees and unto your legs, ankles and flowing through the veins and blood flow of your feet and sole. Your physical body is now relaxed, filling up with the power of love, the power of universal love, strong, peaceful, kind, wise and compassionate.
I am love from within. With love, I live my days of my life. With love, I make each decisions of my daily life, be it small or big. I love being me. I am uniquely perfect as I choose the best option of choices to fulfil my personal growth, development and enhancement. I learn from the decisions, events and experiences that I encounter. I am good at everything I do as I do it, learn and discover life with them. I thank the universe and the power of love for me, the people around me and the events and experiences now, before and ahead of me.
Or for free audio/video hypnosis that you can listen to before sleep for self love and self acceptance hypnosis.
I love my physical self, I love my emotions, feelings and energies that help me develop, grow and move towards my learnings and discoveries.
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Self Healing Hypnosis Audio For You
Welcome to MindConnects, where we tap on the power of your mind to help you better the quality of your life. It is best to hear this recording using headset or earpiece for optimal effect. It is time for you to spend this time for yourself. After a long day of activities surrounding and at times focusing on other people, it is now time for you to sit, back, relax and spend some quality time for yourself. You deserve this. It is time for you to sit back and give thanks and gratitude for you.
A powerful self healing hypnosis audio for you. A powerful self healing affirmation to help you give thanks, affirmation and the discoveries and revelation of your own self healing towards your true self.
Let's take this time to first relax. Take a deep breath in, 1-2-3, and taking a deep exhale breath out, 5-6-7-8. Breathing in all the fresh and powerful love energy in the universe, 1-2-3 and breathing out and exhaling any negative or unwanted energy from within your body, mind and soul, 5-6-7-8. Now, repeat that for 3 more times. Breathing i all the powerful love air and energy in the universe and breathing out any negative or unwanted energy from your body, mind and soul.
Now, let us focus on your physical body and the healing energies flowing onto your body and blood. Your physical body and emotions are now in synch with your relaxed breathing. Relax your body, your mind relaxes. The veins on your scalp relaxes and calms down, your head relaxes, your forehead relaxes, your eyes relax, your nose and your cheeks relax, your lips and even your tongue relaxes. Now, your chin relaxes, moving down towards your neck, your neck relaxes, your shoulders and arms relax, your chest relaxes, your heart feels calm and relaxes, your stomach relaxes, your thigh relaxes, your knees and your legs relaxes. The relaxation and the calmness flows steadily onto your feet and your toe nails. Your whole body relaxes.
Call upon the power of your self healing to flow and relaxes through your body, healing and covering any parts of the body that requires healing with the universal light of self healing energies. Visualise and imagine the powerful healing lights from above shining onto your body, mind and spirit, cleansing and energising and activates the positive power of self healing onto your physical body now. The strong and powerful healing lights shining onto your emotions, your energies and you.
Take the time to absorb in the powerful healing lights from the universal power and self healing.
Blocks Removal To Build Up Successful Self Healing
These are the main blocks that prevent many of us from healing. They are mainly our unwillingness to forgive and our own self-limiting beliefs.
Forgive & Let GO
Forgiveness is not about letting the other person off, it is letting our negative emotions and feelings that are tying us down from moving forward. Forgiving the other person allows us to move on and heal the part of us that is hurt. It is why, we encourage all our clients to allow forgiveness. This is an hypnosis audio on Forgiveness. Listen to it daily for the next 21 days and allow yourself to forgive and move on to a better you.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Just get over it already. Easier said then done, but if we are experiencing repetitive negative behaviours or habits that no longer serve us anymore, we should know when to stop these beliefs.
Beliefs is something we tell ourselves again and again, proving ourselves to be right. If you kept on failing in your business, and you feel that you are not good enough. Every time, you fail, you remind yourself how unlucky and how true this is. It is our thoughts and what we tell ourselves.
Shouldn't all these be part of our learnings and does not necessarily merit to failure?
When we are ready and allow it, there is always a way to overcome our own limiting beliefs and replace them with self empowering ones.
Let us take time to express gratitude and be grateful today.
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