
Are you a physical or emotional suggestible person?  Have you ever been to a social gathering with people you do not personally know and felt awkward and out of place or are you personally charged up once you are in the social scene, socialising and mingling around like second nature to you, when you are there?

Do you thrive in the spotlight and enjoy the attention or do you get the chills when you are put on the spotlight? Do you dress up because you enjoy the attention on you or do you dress up because you are expected to, for your job?  Are you a person who must express yourself aloud or are you expressing them quietly in your mind?

Are You The Physical Suggestible?

A physical suggestible person enjoys socialising in a social gathering, they enjoy the networking space, not frazzle by the attention on them, but enjoy every moment of the spotlight and attention.  They usually dress up well because they know they can and they enjoy the attention of beauty that they receive when they do.  They are good in expressing themselves in public.  They speak out and enjoys the attention that they get.

Are You The Emotional Suggestible?

An emotional suggestible person however, drags going to social gatherings as they are frazzled by the attention they might get.  They dislike the spotlight and attention.  They dress up because it is expected of them to get the job done.  They are quiet and dislikes the spotlight.

Which one are you?  There is no right or wrong to how one feels and portray themselves in public, but these are the two main types of people that we are.  All these were learnt and picked on from our primary care takers when we were young.

The Affect of Your Primary Care Taker

Every interpersonal messages are made up of 3 parts:

  1. Verbal Content
  2. Extra-verbal (non-spoken eg tone, expressions, actions) content
  3. The state of mind of the receiver

If your primary care taker follows through with what she says to the child, the child learns to take information in the direct manner and literal communications.(Physical Suggestible Person)

If your primary care taker does not follow through with what she/he says, the child receives incongruent messages and begin to look for the hidden meaning in what is being said and starts analysing them (Emotional Suggestible Person)

Hypnotic suggestibility test are tests to understand how you take in or interpret information.  As this trait is shaped during your earlier growing up till your teenage days.  This trait is how you think of situations and how you response to events or situations in your life most of the time.  There is no right or wrong answers.  It is how you would have interacted or response during any one given situation.

Founded by Dr. John Kappas, the models of Physical & Emotional Suggestibility and Physical & Emotional Sexuality were one of his many contributions to hypnotherapy. These models have come to form the foundation of the Kappasinian school of Hypnotherapy.

How We Learnt To Response To Events or Situation

Our method of processing information is learnt through our primary caretaker (eg. mother), from birth to about 5-6 years old and from our peers and teachers at around 5-9 years old and 9-14 years old from our secondary caretaker(eg. father).  We learn through our observation on how we see our caretakers, peers and teachers react to situation.

Based on the suggestibility tests, hypnotherapists can determine in advance what methods are best to induce hypnotic  state for people with different suggestibilities.

Dr. Kappas named the ends of his scale "Physical" and "Emotional".

Physical suggestible minds tend to process information in a literal manner and emotionally suggestible minds tend to be more analytical and infer information, use to a more indirect approach.  Though none of us is 100% physical or emotional suggestible, each of us fall within a certain scale, with stronger indication to one direction.

Physical Suggestibility

A person with physical suggestibility  is someone with a strong connection between mind and body. A physical suggestible person tends to take in information in a very direct or literal manner. They tend to use more words to communicate an idea. The Physical uses physical body as a defense to protect or hide their emotions subconsciously.  Physical person needs physical touch and is comfortable and not shy to attract attention to their physical appearances.

A physical suggestibility person is usually right brain dominant.  The right brain dorminant person is associated with cognitive skills, such as creativity, emotion and intuitiveness. It also controls the left side of the body, so right-brained people are often left-handed. Right-brain dominant people are know for their artistic and innovative skills.

Emotional Suggestibility

An person with emotional suggestibility is usually more analytical, thinking more than they express themselves. They tend to have a perceived separation between mind and body. They tend to put emotions first to protect the body, suppresses and hiding their true feelings.  They are concern about how others view them and are very cautious about their body and others reactions to them.

An emotional suggestibility person is usually left brain dominant. The left brain dorminant person is associated to analytical and logic skills, they tend to have strong mathematical and logic skills.

A Somnambulist

A somnambulist is an individual who has 50/50 suggestibility, that is 50% physical and 50% emotional suggestible.  Somnambulist respond equally well to all suggestions, both direct and inferred suggestions during hypnosis state.

Intellectual Suggestibility

An intellectual suggestibility person is a very analytical and high emotional suggestible person. A person who has an emotional suggestibility score of 80% and above is an intellectual suggestibility person.

They fear being controlled and is constantly questioning and analysing rejecting or rationalising everything even when in hypnosis.

An intellectual must know that he or she has the choice and control and not the other person.

So, usually the right instructions or methods can be used effectively for each individual when the therapist know the suggestibility of the client.  This information is good to have as it will help the therapists offer the right instructions to help client go into deeper trance and also to access the information required for the proper healing or changes required by the client.

Knowing your suggestibility helps you and your therapist understand how your mind process the information and how you react to each event and situation.  So, do check out our suggestibility questionnaires  to find out what type of suggestibility you are.