
Past Life Regression is a valuable tool for therapy to allow clients to re-connect to their deep rooted suppressed emotions in the past, that are affecting them in this life.

Past life regression can take place in a cosy hypnotherapy session.  Past life regression opens up a door of deeper communication with your self to allow you to tap into your energetic memories of the past.

Our pain and behaviour are the results of some deep rooted emotions and memories of the past. These memories are buried in our body cells. Past life regressions allow clients to tap into these memories, release any suppressed emotions that are affecting them in this life, in order for them to lead a better enhanced quality of life.

Why Some People Can Recall Their Past Lives?

In recent years, there have been many evidenced based researches done where kids claimed to remember their past life.  Dr Ian Stevenson,  dedicated more than 50 years to carry out about 3000 cases of reported reincarnation have shared some of his and his team researches on documentary and talk shows like Oprah's.

In fact, The Edgar Cayce organisation foundation, founded by Edgar Cayce, also known as the sleeping prophet, who is well known for introducing holistic healing had done more than 14,000 readings, where he accessed information from Akashic records for information and healing.  The organisation amongst others have also shown, how we too can access our own past lives through meditation or hypnosis for our information and healing for this life.

Dr Stevenson received many cases of kids recalling their past lives.  Kids come to this world with no prejudice or little judgement of the world and things that are happening around them.  Babies are born with only fear of falling and loud noises and are innocent.  There is no filtering blocks in their mind, until they reach the age of 5-7 years old, when prejudice, rules and beliefs of the parents and surrounding are imposed onto them.  The veil of their soul and their past experiences and events are thinner, allowing them to access the past experience and information brought from previous experience, accessible through the subconscious mind.

That is why some kids are able to recall their past lives until they reach the age of 5-7 years old.  Adults can also access their past lives when they allow themselves to bring down the veil of their filtering mind to access past experiences and events that are affecting them in this life.

Past life regression is one of the many tools that hypnotherapists can use to access and discover the root causes of the pain, ailments and even habits that one exhibit.

This is possible as these cells of memories are buried in our deep rooted cells and we can access them via deep relaxation that allow us to tap into our deep rooted subconscious memories that make us, who we are today.

Past Life Regression Therapy Session
Past Life Regression Therapy Session

Accessing past lives or past memories is NOT limited to people of certain races or religions only.  Everyone of us, who are ready and allow ourselves to, can access and change our emotions of the past experiences that are affecting us in this life through hypnotherapy and past life regression.

What is Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression is a hypnotherapy session where client is placed in a relaxed space and mind to go back in time where they once lived. 

Based on the client's reason/issue for the past life regression, the hypnotherapist would usually bring you back to the past life which is most significant and relevant to the reason/issue for the session.

The client would be able to connect to the core event or events that had caused the issues, pull up deep rooted emotions, acknowledge them, release any negative emotions that are associated to them, letting go of the negative emotions that are pulling you down.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Why Does Past Life Regression Work For Healing?

Yes, past life regression can work to heal a condition or issue. Hypnosis is a state where one can access their own subconscious mind where memories are stored. In the regression, the client is allowed to access their subconscious mind, without the limitation boundaries of logic, time or space.  In this therapy session, the mind helps discover the past origin of the issue and once that is known, acknowledged and resolved.  When the core issue is revealed and resolved, the symptoms of the pain or hurt will often disappear, allowing healing of the core issue.

The 5 Dimensions of The Body

We are made up of not just the physical body. There are 5 dimensions to our body. They are mainly:

  1. The Physical Body
  2. The Mental Body
  3. The Emotional Body
  4. The Energy Body
  5. The Higher Mind Body

and memories of all these bodies, stick on to our cells even after our re-birth. Past life regression is one of the few methods that allow us to tap into these dimensions.

Usually when one is suffering from a certain condition or physical pain that cannot be healed through the conventional and modern medicines, past life regression is definitely one of the options of healing modality for one to consider.

There are 4 Karmic Laws to Past Life.  They are:

  1. Law of Consequences - the financial, personal and professional conditions of a persons life can be reversed in another life time
  2. Law of Cause and Effect - we become better human as a result of our valuable lessons and experiences learnt in each life
  3. Law of Grace - do unto others as you wish them to do unto you
  4. Law of Compensation - whatever a man soweth, so shall he reap.

Discover more on Past Life Regression

When should you consider past life regression therapy?  Find out who and why should you consider past life regression therapy.

When you are ready to heal and have a feeling that the healing can take place via past life regression, connect with us now.

In addition to past life regression, our therapist can work closely with clients who requires vows, oaths or curses releases too.

Check out some of the popular past life regression books available to you.

Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression Therapy

For more answers to your questions on past life regression.