
Yes and Its Possibilities

The opposite of NO is YES! So, how do we turn NO into YES? Since we know our NEGATING thoughts are powerful, know too that our positive ones are even greater. THOUGHTS CREATE THE ENERGY WE BRING TO THE TABLE.  Consistent and repetitive thoughts that we THINK and AFFIRM through actions and results again and again and again and again ….. becomes a BELIEF! So, …

No and Its Negating Affect On Us

Have you ever wonder why you were asked not to use negating word like “NO” and “DO NOT” ? How “NO” affects the change in your emotion Just imagine, when you are so excited with your travel plans.  So, you were so enthusiastic when sharing with him/her your plans on the affordable business class tickets that you bought, the 5 star hotel accommodation near the …

My Vipassana Meditation Retreat

Are you willing to sit in misery to get yourself out of misery?  Over the last 12 days, 24 July to 4 Aug 2019, 36 of us did! Though not all of us were trying to come out of misery, but all of us definitely swam in misery of pain during the process. It is popularly known as the 10 days Vipassana Meditation Retreat. 111 …

Suppressed Anger and Ailment

Close your eyes, and try to recall the very 1st TIME you learnt that you were angry.  Learn about your supressed anger and ailment relation, how anger is related to ailment or your body and mind condition. When you were angry with someone who failed you or maybe angry with yourself for the unforgettable incident that happened then.  Can you recall and remember that incident? …

Meditate 10-30 minutes a day to a relaxed and mindful you

Meditation is not just about quietening the mind.  In today’s busy world, most of us are busy and occupied all the time.  Meditation is a time where you give yourself the luxury of relaxation physically and mentally, to be alone with yourself, body, mind and soul. While we are at the state of relaxation, we allow ourself the luxury of journeying inward. A time where …

Do You Believe In Yourself?

“Do You Believe In What You Are Doing?” “Do You Believe In Yourself?” Öf course, I believe in myself!”, I retorted back, angry. I was pretty offended when I was asked this question. But then again, if I am brave enough to put my ego aside, and let this question simmer down a little, so that I could digest it better, I would know that …

Uterine Fibroids Metaphysical Healing

Many women are fighting against painful and challenging menstrual pain and cycles and uterine fibroids or benign uterine tumors. Fibroids can be singular or many cells as small as grapes or as large as a small watermelon. Many do not exhibit any signs or symptoms but often times they can cause a heavy or painful period, pain during sex, occasional sharp stabbing pains at the …

11 Symptoms To Lose Weight

11 Symptoms your body is telling you to lose weight. Body communicates to us and when we listen and work on it, we will achieve overall well being. The Real Secret to Losing Weight Regimen If you have attempted to lose weight before, you would have known that all these diet or exercise regimens never work ….. ….. Or they work for a while, until …