
Breathing Exercises

When we are alive, we breath.  When breathing stops, that is when life on earth ends. Breathing is an automatic mechanism for all.  Simple yet powerful, sometimes this is taken by granted by many of us, until we start to face difficulty in breathing. What is the reason for difficulty in breathing?  It is a way our body is sending signal to us to inform …

Forgiveness and Self-Love

“I forgive you!” Simple yet powerful word. Forgiveness and self-love is an internal process of letting go of negative feelings and thoughts of resentment, bitterness and anger toward one self, it can be someone who believed has wronged or hurt us. In fact, sometimes self-forgiveness is required when we feel anger and resentment towards self. Self-forgiveness and letting go of negative feelings and energies that …

What is Yoga?

Yoga is well-known for its physical movements poses and postures of the body. These days, many are using yoga as a form of exercise for the body. In reality, yoga is much more than a method of physical exercise activity. The Original The original yoga is focused on the merging of the body and mind exercises, to help expand on the mental , physical and …