
What is hypnotherapy? If you are on this page, you must have been searching for hypnotherapy.  It could be because you are curious about it, wanting to learn more or to acquire the skills of hypnotherapy or you may want to know more as you might be facing an issue that you hope hypnotherapy could help you with.

Regardless of the reason you found this page, read on to find out more ….

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a proven process where the client is put into deep relaxation for the purpose of healing or improvement.  The client will be very much aware of his/her surrounding, eyes closed and relaxed, focusing on the instructions and words of the hypnotherapist.

Before any hypnotherapy session can take place, the client has to be opened to the idea of hypnotherapy for healing.  Trusting the process of the therapy allows the client to heal. The client must have a positive view and feel comfortable with the therapist.

During hypnotherapy, client will be able to access information or storage of information in their mind to help them with their healing or improvement and transformation that they want to see in their life.

what is hypnotherapy

Book a hypnotherapy session with us now.

A typical hypnotherapy session would usually last from 1-2 hours where the hypnotherapist will work with the client based on the issue that the client wants to have resolved.  The session can be conducted in the convenience and comfort of our therapy room, Skype, video call or the comfort of your home.

We work with you to identify the source of the issues and would usually recommend that you allow 4-6 sessions to work on resolving the issue.  Each session will make you feel better through letting go of the negative emotions and feelings till the issue is totally addressed.


We will also provide you with self hypnosis tool that you can bring back and do on a daily basis to help you strengthen the confidence and belief systems to overcome the issues on your own in the future.

What is Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state where you are relaxed and contrary to public believes, you have the most control when in hypnosis as you are able to access your own subconscious mind and use informed emotions and feelings to help you address and resolve your issues.

The job of the hypnotherapist is simply to facilitate the process where the client is able to relax his/her mind to identify the core issues faced.  This process helps the client identify the core issues within their own mind that is causing the issue, behaviour or habit.

Knowing the core issue and releasing any negative emotions or feelings associated to the event, things or place will help the client resolve the issue for a long lasting effect.

Learn hypnosis.

All sessions are strictly confidential.

So, what happens during hypnotherapy?

For audio version of What is Hypnotherapy and healing or life transformation at https://mindconnects.org