Mind Body Spirit is a one page summary of what you are here to learn and apply here on earth.
At one time or another, we wonder and ponder over this big question, "Who Am I?". The answers have been shared and revealed to many who were open and willing to hear, learn and apply. These are who you are ...
You are a healer
You are a physhic
You are all knowing
You are abundance
You are love
You are God
If you can wrap your mind around the answers above, life can be easy and be blessings of learning and growing, but if you are not able to, then life is always going to feel like a struggle and unbearable.
You Should Never Get Sick
You should never get sick, when you take care of your physical, mental and energy body well. Eating what is good for your body. Living a healthy and balanced lifestyle assure you of a healthy well being. One has to take care of their emotional and mental health in order to stay happy and healthy.
When you are sick or feeling unwell, it is how your body is communicating to you to let you know that you are not treating your body, mind and spirit well or there are certain lifestyles or behaviour that needs to be altered or changed for better physical health.
You do not need external intervention, when you are in touch with your body, mind and spirit. You have heard from many sources that healing comes from within. Why? Cause it is true. Be connected back again to your higher self. When you set your mind to it, communication between your mind and spirit with your body is the source of ultimate healing.
You Are Here On Earth To Learn, Grow & Apply Free Will
You chose to be on earth, which some are calling it the school of life. You are here to unearth the nature of your soul, learning, growing and applying free will of choice to choose what you want here on earth, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Destiny was created, but only you can change destiny when you apply your power of free will to choose the path which is best for your body, mind and spirit.
You are God
You are a part of God, your higher self is connected to God, the Lord of all knowing and all-abled. And when you are fully connected with God, you know who you really are, you are a healer, you are a psychic, you are all knowing, you are abundance, you are love, and yes, you are God. So search within to discover the God and superpower that is within your body, mind and spirit.
For audio version of Mind Body Spirit who am I at https://mindconnects.org.